Alien Species

The Rutanians are a race of green-eyed, blue-skinned humanoids native to the planet Rutan. The average Rutanian stands more than a meter taller than a Human, and is muscularly strong. They are known as hunters, and the hides they produce are renowned throughout the galaxy. They breed many of the native Rutan creatures on special preserves, where the beasts are maintained in order to produce exquisite pelts and furs. The aggressive Rutanians consider their cousins, the Senalis, to be primitives, lacking any form of cohesive society. Despite their differences, a sort of peace was achieved several years before the Battle of Naboo. This arrangement worked well for many years, until the Rutanians sold information on the Senali to the Yuuzhan Vong. The alien invaders utterly devastated Senali, wiping out the civilization and much of the planet's surface before turning their attack to eliminate most of the Rutanians as well. The few survivors were taken away and enslaved.


  • They look physically similar to the Riorians.