Alien Species

The Pelimosians were a advanced alien race in the comic series Onyx (2015).


The Pelimosians were humanoids, comparatively similar to humans though they possessed varying shades of skins colour, from blue, yellow green to red. In addition their hair colours came in varying shades.


The Pelimosians were native to the planet Pelimosa. They were one of many races that were rendered extinct by the Doom-Spore. After the alien spore, entered Pelimosa, the alien parasite infected the planet causing the fauna and its populace to undergo horrible mutations. The Pelimosian civilization was wiped out, but those that survived the infection, escaped their world to track other vestiges of the Doom-Spore to prevent outbreaks on other worlds.

One Pelimosian, named Onyx tracked a spore to Earth. Upon reaching the planet she located the source of the infection to Nigeria. The International Global Defense Army sent two teams to investigate but received no response. A third was sent to discover what had happened, only to be attacked by mutated avians caused by the spore.

Onyx rescued a member of the party, Abagial Aquing, a powerful psi, but was met by hostility by majority of the human soldiers due to their xenophobia. After demonstrating they were outmatched by her superior technology and martial skills. She explained the grave situation of the spore's infection and proposed to an alliance. General Harold Mount but adhering to his human paranoia, secretly chose to eliminate Onyx at the right moment.

Onyx went to scout ahead and came in conflict with escaped mutates from a Bio-gensis laboratory by the IDA. The mutations upon being freed were infected by the spore and had willingly devoted themselves to its cause wishing to bring humanity down for the pain they suffered.

Despite the greater threat the spore pose. When Onyx was at her weakest it attempting to purge the spore's influence he attacked her leaving her for dead. It proved to be nearly humanity's undoing as the mutated creations of the IDA had succumbed to the spore and attacked the human party.

When Onyx recovered she rescued the humans once again and severed the Spore's connection to Earth rendering all its infection moot, restoring the fauna to normal. However despite her sacrifice and assistance, the humans were ungrateful to the alien's assistance insisting to ban all alien visitors from their world.


The Pelimossians were a technological adept race that mastered utilizing living plasma, enabling them to develop advanced weaponry and shields. They created exo-suits for themselves to provide interstellar travel. Weapons used by humanity were regarded as primitive tools that could barely harm a armored Pelimosian. The metal armor casing was known to inhibit mental scans from psi. The Pelimossians were noted to be polygamists taking several husbands or even wives in marriage.
