Alien Species
Swimming People

The Swimming People of Dellalt, also known as Swimmers or Dellaltians, were sapient, lake-dwelling sauropteroids indigenous to Dellalt. They were large, with small heads on top of long, muscular necks. The Swimmers also had blowholes on the top of their heads instead of nostrils. Their mouths were filled with sharp, pointed teeth which they used to catch fish and for defense.

They also had four flippers for movement in water and heavy, short tails. Swimmers also spoke an accented form of Galactic Basic, using their mouths to form the words. Their eyes were also protected by a nictitating membrane. The colors of their hides varied from light gray to green and black.

As a species, the Swimmers were territorial and had a series of laws to govern their lives. For a fee, they would ferry people and cargo across their lakes on rafts.


